Do you feel blocked when it comes to money, even though you're really busy in your business?
Women are busy.
Women in business are even more busy.
They have a lot of responsibilities both at work and at home.
But even though they're busy and "successful" in their business, many women feel blocked when it comes to money.
There are several reasons why this might be the case. For one, women often don't feel confident when it comes to their financial knowledge. They may not feel comfortable talking about money, or they may not know how to ask for what they want financially. Additionally, women can be held back by societal norms that tell them they should be taking care of others instead of themselves.
To make matters worse, many women feel guilty about wanting or having more money than their friends or family members.
All of these factors can lead to feeling blocked when it comes to money. You feel like you're starting to get ahead but then you hit a block or something happens and all the progress you made goes backwards.
But with a bit of effort, women can start to break down these barriers and get past their blocks when it comes to finances.
Last week, I sat down with the amazing Sam Riley to talk about all things money on her podcast.
I spoke in detail about the 3 biggest blocks that people have when it comes to their relationship with money and everything from the full impact that money has in our lives through to why tracking your numbers is essential!
So if you're ready to start making progress with your finances, go ahead and listen to the podcast episode now!