I have been in business for over 14 years with multiple different businesses from bricks and mortar service and retail based businesses, to ecommerce to consulting. That’s not to mention all of the smaller businesses I set up as a kid selling things to kids at school.

I have built a multi million dollar a year business being an expert in my industry through consulting. I have changed so many business owners' lives for the better by helping them create more income both in turnover and profit, while giving them more time back in their lives.

The last couple of years, after all the success that I had had for myself I decided it was time I shared my secrets to how to actually make money in a consulting business that goes beyond a couple of hundred thousand a year. I have now been working with other experts in their industries to help them transition into a consulting model where they also get to see huge transformations in their clients lives and the follow-on impact from there.

I speak to people everyday that have had pretty big successes in their current business, but they’ve built it and are looking for the next challenge. That was exactly me 9 years ago, I was asking myself what was next! I’d dabbled with the thought of consulting, but the way I wanted to do it wasn’t leveraged, I then found a mentor who completely changed my life, who showed me a much better way.

I’ve managed to build Greyson Consulting into the business that it is today, while having a baby, divorcing a husband, and being on my own with my daughter as a single parent. Instead of using these life changing moments as excuses to hold my business back, I chose to use them as reasons for me to build, grow and create success while impacting so many peoples lives in a positive way.

Through all of this I don’t just help with people's businesses, I help create healthy mindsets and relationships, creating a great connection to money to help create wealth for your future.

I see everything as a ripple effect, when someone works with me everything in their world changes and improves, which then means that everyone that is connected to them also benefits from that change which creates more change. It just keeps going and going.

A number of years ago I embraced the more spiritual side of me and started to realise that I needed to be able to use all the parts of me to create a life that I wanted, the spiritual, the mindset and the business parts of me all combined. As I brought those things into alignment I realised even more about the impact that I can have by teaching others to do the same.

I’m looking for women that have knowledge to share and have created something pretty awesome for themselves already, that want to know how to leverage it better, meaning you can create more impact in your life and others lives, without sacrificing yourself or your family - if this is you feel free to reach out to me!
I’d love to help you create more income and time into your life!


P.S somewhere along the way there I stopped talking about me and started talking about you. Welcome to my life with clients ;)

Let me give you the super quick summary of me:

I am a terrible cook, I have a housewife that I hire to come in and cook to make sure myself and my 7 year old Daughter get fed! I like baking, but that’s not good to survive on!

I may have a slight addiction to online shopping. I love Blackmilk and Camilla Clothing which are like polar opposites - and at one stage I had packages arriving weekly.

Also Ebay is the best for random things - I have a 100% excellent rating!

I got married young, for all the wrong reasons but I did have a Vegas Wedding (no I wasn’t drunk), had a baby and realised I didn’t want to live like I was in an unhappy marraige and have that as the example for my daughter, so I got divorced.

Prior to the marriage, I had been in a DV relationship and had no idea the full extent of what was going till years later. Which then led me to do a lot of work with charities and shelters helping women and children get set up in new homes, I even went on to create The Freedom For Women Foundation which I used to be able to partner with more of the shelters directly.

I love travelling, I have been overseas a lot over the years and have been to Disneyland too many times to count! My daughter asks me weekly when we can go back to Disneyland and can we LIVE there… clearly her 2 trips there left an impression!

In 2016 I went on a Virgin Unite trip to Necker Island, where I got to sit in Richard Branson’s living room whilst listening to Amal Clooney talk about the cases that she had been fighting for basic human rights. I spent 4 days talking to royalty, George and Amal Clooney, Five for Fightings singer, John Ondrasik and his wife Carla and many huge business owners.

But the most significant was a man named Anthony Ray Hinton who had been in jail for 28 years on death row and was INNOCENT. The theme of this event was about abolishing the death penalty - Ray made such an impact on me that when I came home I totally changed what I was doing and how I was showing up every day in my life, that’s when I started the Freedom for Women Foundation.

I’m awesome with money - it’s my genius zone! I was a 7 year old with a ledger book and due to my savvy skills with money and knowing what to do with it, I was a millionaire in my 20’s. I’ve made a bunch of mistakes in that time too, which I also have learned from and don’t repeat!

I’m a total bookworm, that’s my other online shopping addiction. Book Depository. I get those 10% off vouchers in my inbox and then I add everything I’ve put in my wishlist for the last few months and next minute I have 50 packages turning up in the one week. The ladies at the post office say to me “More books?” when I go in to pick them up!

I love TV shows, I’ve watched 18 seasons (391 episodes) of Grey's Anatomy and am a massive fan of Shonda Rhimes and every series she has written. There is a time and place for TV, but most people either fall into complete binge watching constantly or think that TV is a waste of time and beneath them, I believe all things in balance.

I’m totally into the woowoo spiritual side of everything, and am totally a hippie on the inside in many ways! I meditate daily, I have a ridiculous amount of crystals and like to give them to people as presents! I have some super interesting stories about experiences I have had dealing with energy and the way the universe aligns for me. I like to travel to energy hotspots and spiritual meccas to heighten my level of connection and experience cool shit!

Lucky last - I’m totally no bullshit. I’m upfront, I say it as it is. I talk super fast most of the time. I swear like crazy. I don’t have time to be fake or do what others think I should. My clients love it because they know exactly what I’m saying is true and they know I’m coming from a place of love and caring.

As you can tell from what I’ve written today, it’s not your average profile that people have, but that’s because I’m not your average person. I’ve experienced a lot in my lifetime so far and I am the only one in the world that has my combination of experiences and knowledge, so I have a huge tool box to draw from to create my reality and to help people do the same for theirs.

If you’re a business owner, and you’d like help - register for a free consultation with me. We’ll go into incredible detail about your business and figure out what’s working and what’s not - so we can build you a plan where you can win, your client wins and everyone is happy!

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